Redefining Specialty..
Yeah..From the special Gang of "Angles and A Demon!"
They've been there when my life was dipped in tear..
They've been there when I was in fear..
They've been there when I wanted someone dear..
They've been there when I was far and near
And Now,
They're also a part of me, when we're here having a "Blast with a Beer"..
A multiple-duplex gratitudes to
#Chubby(The Queen!,..Yeah, wish you the same dear!!)
#Gayu (Hugs and more hugs to you Princess..And Wish you the same DeaR!!)
*Yeah, we share the same B'day and Souls too!*
#Doggy!(Umm, yeah..He's "The Demon amidst the Angels"..But the "Buddy maga" of my life!)
#Harshi (She's the Angel of the Angels!, Thank you (yeah, treat..?..err..yeah..thinking! )
#Suchi!.(The Goddess..!)
#Chomy (Umm..yeah..My enemy!, But an Angel too..*hugs bebo!*)
#Swatz (Dumbo and Shameless..without whom I would be Null and Void..Thank you sis!)
#Poo..and Spoo (The one a Dumbo and The other a Shameless and Dumbo too..hehe..But umm..Hugs to both of you..The new angels into the kindgom of Friends!)
6 Thoughts have been Sprinkled!, Your Take? :
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*hugs and kisses too*
Now- a fight..!
I am blessed more!!!!!
ahem ahem..
me fuming..!!
yea...when i return..u know what..
Thanks a ton baggy!..too very blessed WE too!
we are the one's who are blessed buddy magane!!
love u lots kano..!!!
have a blast.;)
hmm..shouldn matter... as al friends are true...
i guess its the same dusty m.g road again....
where u all shared all gains and pain....
great to hear....
its my utmost honour to be amongst your list of best buddies..:)
and i would like to agree with harry,spoo and swatz too..:)
i am always an ambivert..:P
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