So, here I am- with another equally crappy thoughts pouring out yet another fabulously dumb thesis, wherein I try to explain how exactly luck plays in our lives and why is it that we are not able to predict the "degree of luck" and how are all these related mathematically. And for the uninitiated let me name this thesis as the "Bharath's ambiguous luck-density principle"[BALP in short]
Ok, Now, Let me start with the basis of the entire scenario. The BALP can often be simply explained as the statement that the measurement of luck and effort necessarily perturbs an objects life-path, and vice versa—i.e., BALP is a manifestation of the time-spacial effect.
This explanation can sometimes be misleading in a modern context, because it makes it seem that the obstructions are somehow conceptually avoidable—and that there are states of the object with definite decorum wherein its luck-density and the destiny function are known , but though the experimental facts as we have today(its almost trivial!) are just not good enough to produce those states. In fact, states with both definite luck-density and destiny-function just do not exist in life's theoretical mathematics, so it is not the measurement equipment that is at fault.
It is also misleading in another way, because sometimes it is a failure to measure the object that produces the (bad)luck. For example, if while traveling on a bike (through Bangalore roads) without a helmet on a busy last Monday of the month and still managing to get away without committing any misdemeanors. Whoa!, yeah- Its more likely that the object was not observed at all, then its luck-density becomes uncertain by a large amount.More so, because it beats all expectations!.
It is misleading in yet another way, because sometimes the measurement can be performed far away. Lets consider the "sans helmet" example and extend it to two objects that are traveling in the same or opposite directions from the decay of policetronuims and it so happens that only one of them is caught!, then the luck density of the two two are opposite. By measuring the luck denstiy of one particle, the luck-density of the other is determined. This case is subtler, because it is impossible to introduce more uncertainties by measuring a distant particle, but it is possible to restrict the uncertainties in different ways, with different statistical properties, depending on what property of the distant object you choose to measure. Now let us try to justify this claim mathematically-

Lolz!, It actually does!- and thus we can trivially claim that luck and destiny plays a key role in our lives and our life cannot be predicted because of the BALP and because we cannot find the way our luck or destiny behaves.
So, for all those who believe that luck is a key factor, well Long hail- But, be lest assured that your luck will always behave the same way as you want it to..;) [ More so , because their randomness is more random than just random..:P]
PS : I'm extremely sorry for the illegibility in the equations. Thats more so because of blogger's primitive alignment and special symbol usage laws.
You can download the complete proof here.
17 Thoughts have been Sprinkled!, Your Take? :
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This is too much to take in..
this is a very nice class of modern lol..
brillliant ~!
I have downloaded and saved that file as treasure..:D :D, where do u get these thoughts from?!
I bow down and hats off!
I must say that these thoghts should be better stored..because when u do get a turing or a noble..we shall cherish these..:)
marvelous brainy!
i was thinking about your BALP... well i'm not a mathematic freak to understand all those simple equations in your proof.. but sure that i understand your statements that you make..
here is a different view of your principle...
BLAP can also be
Logically (or otherwise!)
What say? ;)
Dearie, hehe..
Thanks a ton..I am glad that I'm adding in more impurities in your physics knowledge.:D :D
Thank you Ms.supportive and Mr. Brain-spportive..:D
I am glad that you found some nuance in this nuisance :P
Thanks a lot..I am glad that the two raagas have finally harmonized this post!
Thansk a ton for taking immense pain in going thro this crap. I am happy that you were able to derive and extract a few crumpled leaves out of here and make them into your own tree..:)
Thank you kind ladies for having dropped in..I am always forced to bribe you more to read my post and I'm glad that this time you cited the R-Wor(L)d and made the cost cuttings on the bribe receipt!
Yup, you can consider that also as BALP..Perhaps more suitable would be
Bharath's Anti-intellectual and Lucidly-Idiotic Poignancies!
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