After an extensive winter
Pretty tulips
Rise from the once
Icyground bringing fresh signs of
-!nversed Poignancy!
An acrostic (from the late Greek akróstichon, from ákros, "top", and stíchos, "verse") is a poemwriting in an alphabetic script, in which the first letter, syllable or word of each line, paragraph or other recurring feature in the text spells out another message. A form of constrained writing, an acrostic can be used as a mnemonic to aide memory retrieval. or other
Pretty tulips
Rise from the once
Icyground bringing fresh signs of
-!nversed Poignancy!
An acrostic (from the late Greek akróstichon, from ákros, "top", and stíchos, "verse") is a poemwriting in an alphabetic script, in which the first letter, syllable or word of each line, paragraph or other recurring feature in the text spells out another message. A form of constrained writing, an acrostic can be used as a mnemonic to aide memory retrieval. or other
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