About Me

!nversed Poignancy!

...I am an eclectic amalgamation of many seemingly paradoxical things. This can be exemplified in both my seemingly endless persistance on many topics and arguments, as well as my careful cautiousness on other topics and arguments. This is largely due to how astute I am of the topic: more knowledge, more persistant; less knowledge, obviously more cautious. I also have times of obsessive compulsions regarding certain things (mostly just my thoughts, however)...

Life and Death

!nversed Poignancy!


An assembly

Possibly impossible

Perfectly interchangeable..


That lives most upright

Beyond the unspoken

Neither a squiggle nor a quibble..

She and Me

!nversed Poignancy!


A daffodil

Tyrannizer of me

Breaking the colors of dusk!..


The rising sun

Infringed with violations

The impurity in the salt..

Love and Poetry!

!nversed Poignancy!


A puerile desire

Buried in the heart

Never leaves..


Sentimentally melodramatic

Cursively recursive

My thoughts idiotic!

Eight poisonous cabbages

One garden of Eden
Thousand viles of barbarism
Stirring pang among a million souls..

Now let a billion hands get together
Hold a zillion placards
White background, black ink
One single cry
Through three bold words,
"Please Stop Terrorism!"

A plea against terror..
(Hope it doest go in vain..)

Condolences to the family and friends of the souls that were laid to rest due to the brutal act of terror..

The intensely blue night
On a ludicrous laughter
Along the lines of lucent's calm blink
Thats shedding its darkness on the lonely moon's twink.

In the balcony,
An open blast of chilled ethers
Peeping into my dark room
Overwhelming its prodigy from the constellations of heavens..

The blue-black sky as calm as ever,
Spreading its bosom over the dawn of the moon
Now,acting as the arbitrator..
Between lights laughter and the darks play..

The breeze is fresh
Permeated by redolence.
The flowers too, begins its shadow practices
Trying to over par the breeze with its fragrances heavenly..

It had me all for tears
I really dont know what's happening in me

An infinite peace on the soul?
Or is it a dream that ruining my peepers foul?

Bedazzled I lie..
On my fourpostered berth
Quibbling between a reality and a dream..


An assembly
Possibly impossible
Perfectly interchangeable..

The rising sun
Infringed with violations
The impurity in the salt..

A daffodil
Tyrannizer of me
Breaking the colors of dusk!..

A puerile desire
Buried in the heart
Lost in a stagy..

Bruises sans bleed
Mocking at the exit
Never leaves..

That lives most upright
Beyond the unspoken
Neither a squiggle nor a quibble..

Sentimentally melodramatic
Cursively recursive
My thoughts idiotic!

Fragrances and hopes emanate,
Awakening the desire within.
The parchements fly-fluttering in animations
As Verses hold fables-in an ethereal treat..

Once again the golden hue shimmers
Another new dawn sparked and awake
The zephyrs of the ink kiss the parchments velvettes
As the millions of emotions within-stirr in retreat..

Lying besides the sleeping horizon,
Rejoicing the welkins around,
I slipped into this heavenly harmonica
Filling the latent quiscences of bliss..

And thus,
The twinges fell,
The hope rose,
Resurrecting the poetry in me..

Two or three minutes,
(Too less?)

Two or three hours

What does that mean in our lives?
(Not much?)
Arnt they just ticks of time?

These minutes and hours can sublime gold!
If you only use them occasionally
To make someone happy,
Make someone smile.

One minute to dry the tears of a child.
One hour to nullify the problems of years.
A few minutes of our time resuscitating an end

And, there,
You'll bring a friend.

Amidst the reign of this eternal night,

She rises and falls.
Sinking down in dreams,
Letting the fantasies of each to multiply..

Whiteness on whiteness,
Stacked with the immortal dark night,
and then an occasional pearl..

Rare reflections of the dew,
Million mirrors of the sea,
Brilliant brightness of the river,

Your hands in Mine..
Paused silence
Muted speeches
Eye's glued-Blind folded..

..And Thus..
- Ending -
My Abrupt Dream!

- 23rd June 2002!

Hundred fires, thousand passions

Sensations a thousand, kisses one hundred
Thoughts in hundred, As doubts turn thousand
Questions now pop over a thousand, One hundred a stills
Each caressing a hundred, amidst a thousand dreams
.. Thousand feelings..
..Million Passions..
..No words..

One love

When the breath can't recover
Heart hath lost a piece on the way;
When love no longer wants to escape
As the moonlight turns grey..

When monsoon is beginning to glimpse
And melancholy wants to become oblivion,
When the time we were beginning to end
And those kisses that were showered upon,

When secrecy is no longer hidden
And you are the life within mine,
When the flame is impossible to extinguish
And the flower that I am looking for is your heart,

When the glow of the sky makes you shine
And the beautiful roots grew in your soul,
When I want to achieve your white hills
To survive your unforged affection,

When deep insidious the lamp starts burning
And twilight starts to burn in the sky,
Your lingering thoughts that I cant stop thinking
Lingering through the streets of cupid, seeking your love..

I just want to come back home, back home...

-Dated 12th February,2001
Just picked this one outta attic..
Wanted to share it here,just some insight to the metamorphosis that's hit me..
(On demand request though! :P)

The passing of time
Though the loci of maims
Along the pauses
Decorated in a long silent clauses

I stop
I wait
Swapping across those flashcards..

..Pondering about..

The days that I spent
Running without breaks
Trying to pause and interpret
My illusions of a dream

Spending my routines
By the sweet follies
And tender bitterness
Building within me,a society of ruins..

Thinking of
The nights that I spent
Distracted and dissembled
Seeing your eyes in the hues of mid-air
Smiling in silence
Thinking Of
Nothing,but You..!

Now I wonder
Will tomorrow ever be mine?

When my life
Is no longer just mine

When my life leaves
Stories empty,incomplete and torn..

My life drenched in your essence
Soaked,colored and decorated
With your smiles,your hands..

(A sweet poison?)

I wake
I fall
I pause
In a long silence
Of Death

Spending my Life
In your Vertigo..

With an adverse

In every verse
By the waves that perverse..

I see Me,
In your pupils see-saw glee
As sea saw the sun behind the cloud's seethe..

My heart jumps illumed!- A Fusion or Fission?
Or is it the gusts of your illusion,
That's ill-willing the treason of passion..

I coil her in my heart's trove,
Me coiled in her abyssed love,
Together we co-yelled, away from the dream that we drove..

Hehe..Sorry for this rather horrible piece of poetry..
it was just an impromptu..A doodle during a "kit-kat break" away from my studies..:))

Night of passion
Is it?

In your arms
I lie..
Like a still water
In an icy lake

Fleeting down
Along the warm love
On your body
And mine..

A knot knotted in a cold blue;
Emanating a scent of a whiney hue;

A night..
A winter..
A "You" and "Me"
A "Us" and "We"
In between
A dream..

When two views come together
Two hearts beat
..There's simply nothing to say..

When two glances dont come together
Hearts dont beat

..There's simply because there is nothing more to say..

There is a sun that I have in my hands
shining bright -
spreading the hues of
The ticks of every clock that flicker

moment passes

The light gains the wampums

The hourglass lie inverted
Synchronizing it from bigger to big

The darkness fell..

The hueic cascade swamp..

coming out of my hands
it covered and filled

"the universe"

Visions conspicuous
doubts evanesce ,

and with that
I unveil the mystery,

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